14 October 2021




Red Cross Enters Third Week Of Blood Shortage

Red Cross Enters Third Week Of Blood Shortage

The American Red Cross continues to experience an emergency blood shortage that has caused the blood supply to drop to the lowest post-summer level in at least six years. With less than a day’s supply of certain blood types in recent weeks, the Red Cross asks donors of all blood types — especially type O — to make an appointment to give blood as soon as possible to ensure patients can receive



worked in law enforcement  ….

worked in law enforcement ….

worked in law enforcement for 20 years and that he learned about character while attending a leadership course. He said character is doing the right thing when no one is looking. Reum discovered his real passion was helping kids. As an officer, he would check on kids walking on the streets and ask why they weren’t in school. He wanted to make sure they got a ride and that they knew somebody
07 October 2021


Pound Puppies Talks Breeding, Canine Brucellosis

Pound Puppies Talks Breeding, Canine Brucellosis

Pound Puppies organizer Tina Betshismedicine told the Northern Plains Independent that indiscriminate breeding and irresponsible pet ownership are causing the group frustration and making it difficult to gain any ground on the unvaccinated pet population in Wolf Point and Roosevelt County. “We just can’t keep up,” said Betshismedicine. She said a recent social media post containing home-breeding



30 September 2021


Community Bible Church  Features New Pastor

Community Bible Church Features New Pastor

With three months now in Wolf Point, Pastor Arch Woodstock of the Community Bible Church is feeling at home. “We like it. We really enjoy it,” he said. “Hopefully, it will be a good fit for us for a long time.” He has been in the ministry since 1974, and has served churches in 11 different states. For the past few years, the pastor has worked with an agency that sends pastors on
