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Bainville Girls Knock Off Alexander

Bainville’s girls’ basketball squad stopped Alexander, N.D., 56-18, during action in Watford City, N.D., on Saturday, Dec. 9.

The Bulldogs jumped out to a 24-2 advantage in the first quarter. Leading the Bulldogs’ attack were Hailey Berwick with 10 points and Elsie Wilson with eight points.

Bainville held a 30-7 halftime advantage.

Top scorers for the Bulldogs were Berwick with 13 and Wilson with 12 points.

Brecklyn Pippenger added eight points and Tally Berwick had six points.

Also scoring were Kendra Romo with four, Chandi Johnson with four, Lila Butikofer with four, Johnna Rider with three and Miah Pippenger with two points.

The Bulldogs will travel to MonDak on Friday, Dec. 15, and host Savage on Saturday, Dec. 16.

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