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Amendment Would Split Hunting District

Two more amendments to agenda items for the December Fish and Wildlife Commission meeting are available for public review online.

The first amendment looks to change the hunting district boundary in 313 just north of Yellowstone National Park. This is a deer and elk hunting district and the proposed change would add a portion of HD 314 into HD 313. Commissioner Susan Brooke proposed the amendment. To see the proposed amendment, visit https://fwp. fwp/commission/2023/ dec/deer-and-elk/final_deerelk- 313-314-boundary-changeamendment- all-edits-withresponse. pdf. The second amendment would split FWP region 7 into two hunting district — north and south — for antelope. Currently, antelope are managed as a region without any hunting district split. The amendment is proposed by Commissioner William Lane. To see the proposed amendment, visit content/assets/fwp/commission/ 2023/dec/antelope/ final_comm-lane-amendment- to-split-district-7-forantelope_ with-response.pdf People have until Nov. 30 to comment on these two amendments. Comments can be emailed to the commission at this address: FWComm@ Public interested in commenting can also register to comment virtually beginning Dec. 1 at 12 p.m., or attend the meeting in person in Helena. The commission will meet Dec. 14 starting at 8:30 a.m. at the Capitol in Helena.

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