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Roosevelt County Is Transitioning To The Reopening Of Phase Two

Roosevelt County is transitioning to the reopening of phase two. As Roosevelt County reopens, the community still needs to remain cautious. Ultimately, you can make the difference. It is not necessary to police those around us, but it is necessary to hold ourselves accountable for our own actions.

We all have the ability to decrease the risk of spread by continuing to practice activities that have been shown to be effective.

•Social distancing.


•Disinfecting frequently touched surfaces.

•Using a face covering when in public and social distancing cannot be maintained.

•Stay home if you are sick.

•Vulnerable and high risk populations should continue the stay at home guidance.

•Nursing homes and long term care facilities should remain closed to visitors.

If you are having any symptoms of COVID-19, contact your doctor to get tested. Once you get tested, return home immediately and stay home until you get your test results. Symptoms include:

•Fever – 100.0 degrees or higher.


•Feeling cold with shivers.

•Sore muscles.


•Sore throat.

•New loss of taste or smell.

•New or worsening cough.

•New or worsening shortness of breath.

•Difficulty breathing.

If you have COVID-19, Roosevelt County Health Department will contact you and start isolation and contact tracing. This is essential to stop the spread of this disease.

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