Culbertson Town Council Meets

The Culbertson town council held its regular meeting on Monday, Jan 13.
Jeremy Fadness from WWC Engineering provided an update on designs for the bathhouse project. The council asked Fadness to remove all skylights and panels and add lights as needed. Fadness said his team would incorporate the design requests and get the project out to bid. The Women’s Club has received another sizable donation for the project, amounting to approximately $136,000. The donation brings the total raised privately to approximately $309,000.
The Local Government Review Study Commission has still received no applicants. Participation in the commission is often a minimal commitment with flexible scheduling requirements. Three individuals are needed. To learn more, reach out to clerk/treasurer Terri Merrill at 406-787-5271 or
The Roosevelt County Sheriff’s Office report included 32 calls for service for the month, with 12 citations and no arrests.
Meeting minutes were approved for December, as were financials and claims.
The next council meeting is Feb. 10, at 6:30 p.m.