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FWP Seeking Input On Proposed Shooting Range

Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks is seeking public input for a proposed public shooting range project in Glasgow.

A public scoping meeting will be held at the FWP Region 6 headquarters in Glasgow in the Quonset building meeting room on Thursday, Aug. 22, at 5:30 p.m.

Written comments on the proposal must be received by Aug. 31.

FWP is seeking to lease property from the city of Glasgow where the current Glasgow public shooting range is located, approximately one-half mile north of Glasgow off Skylark Road. FWP would improve and manage the Glasgow shooting range depending on the public’s interest, recommendations, and support of the current site during the public scoping process.

Public scoping provides an opportunity for stakeholders to engage with FWP during the early planning stages of a proposed project. The intent of scoping is for FWP to gather comments, concerns, ideas and/or issues from stakeholders who may be affected by a proposed project or its alternatives.

The purpose of the proposed project is to create more public opportunity for recreational shooting by making possible improvements to the current rifle, trap, pistol and archery ranges in the Glasgow area. Project actions will be determined based on the public’s interest and support of these shooting sports during the public scoping process. Through a lease with the City of Glasgow, FWP would manage and operate the Glasgow shooting range as day-use only, with possible restricted hours and days.

Following this scoping process, FWP will prepare a Draft Environmental Assessment to analyze the environmental impacts of the “Proposed Action” and the “No Action” alternative, as required by MEPA.

Comments can be emailed to Tim Potter at Subject: Glasgow Shooting Range Lease and Improvements, or mailed to: Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks, Attn: Tim Potter Jr., 1 Airport Rd, Glasgow, MT 59230.

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