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AIS Finds Mussel-Fouled Boats

Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks aquatic invasive species inspection stations have been busy this spring. So far, more than 10,000 watercraft have been inspected, with 16 of those found to have invasive mussels attached.

Anyone transporting watercraft must stop at all open inspection stations they encounter. Watercraft includes motorized and non-motorized boats, paddle boards, kayaks, canoes, rafts and pack rafts.

Nonresidents and residents returning home must have their watercraft inspected before launching in Montana. Watercraft must also be drained of all water before transporting. AIS are plants, animals or pathogens that are not native to Montana and can cause harm to our environment and economy. Learn more at aquatic-invasive-species or call the FWP Aquatic Invasive Species Bureau at 406-444-2440.

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