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WPCO Votes In Officers For Year

WPCO Votes In  Officers For Year WPCO Votes In  Officers For Year

Officers were elected during the Wolf Point Community Organization’s annual meeting held at the Silverwolf Casino on Monday, March 18.

Holly Hamilton, who was serving as interim chair, was unanimously voted to serve as chair.

Earlier in the meeting, Hamilton thanked the group for having her serve as chair for the last four months after former chair Roxanne Gourneau was voted to the Tribal Executive Board. “It’s been a pleasure being the chairman the last four months,” Hamilton said.

After being elected to the position, Hamilton said, “It’s going to be another great year. I enjoy it. I really do.”

Kris FourStar was nominated for vice chairman. FourStar declined because he said he already served his second term and isn’t allow to serve another term in the position.

Thomas Bauer was then unanimously voted as vice chairman. FourStar was selected sergeant at arms.

Jason Hamilton agreed to serve as secretary/treasurer until another volunteer is willing to step up to take on the responsibilities.

Members then volunteered for various committees.

Gourneau reported that the new gaming compact has been approved and signed.

“Thanks to the ones who fought for the gaming compact,” Holly Hamilton said. “That’s huge.”

Gourneau urged that WPCO should have more and more activities each year. “We always can do better and better,” she said. Gourneau noted that keeping communication open is important.

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