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Children’s Theatre Production Takes Stage

Children’s Theatre Production Takes Stage Children’s Theatre Production Takes Stage

Local performers with Missoula Children’s Theatre took the stage with Treasure Island in Culbertson at the old armory Friday, March 15, under the guidance of Tessa Rumsey. The cast performed twice, once in the afternoon and once in the evening.

“This year was an exciting year as we had 42 students in the play,” Rumsey told the Community News. “That’s a record!”

Student performers ranged in age from kindergarten to eighth grade. “It was a little bit different because they only had Monday through Friday to get ready for the play and then actually do two shows on Friday,” said Rumsey, “whereas in the past they have had Friday to rehearse and then do two performances on Saturday. The whole school got to attend the first show and they received a small bag of popcorn and water to enjoy during the performance. I hope this sparks some interest for next year and we get students ranging from kindergarten to 12th grade.”

Mary Drake provided many meals and Amber Fox also assisted. Vickie Grimsrud provided accompaniment on the piano.

“The play was awesome this year,” attendee Kailey Bigler said. “The kids did such a great job. Super cute and entertaining.”

For information, visit mctinc. org or contact Rumsey at 406-787-7134. Performance dates for next year have not been announced.

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