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Cowgirls Lose Close One In Savage


The Culbertson Cowgirls accounted for a good comeback but lost by a 51-46 final in Savage on Monday, Feb. 5.

The Cowgirls trailed by 15 points in the third quarter, but Culbertson struck for the final five points of the period on four free throws by Destiny Thompson and a free throw by Leandra Perkins.

Savage held a 45-34 advantage heading into the final three minutes until Ayden Ator hit a three-pointer and a free throw. A hoop by Mariana Burciaga cut the gap to 45-40 with 1:24 remaining.

A free throw by Perkins and a steal and 14-footer by Ivy Colvin pulled Culbertson to 49-46 with 35 seconds left.

Ator led the Cowgirls with 14 points including three three-pointers. Thompson finished with 13 and Perkins had 11 points. Also scoring were Burciaga with six and Colvin with two.

Cambry Conradsen accounted for 23 of Savage’s points.

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