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Bainville Girls Defeat Thunder

Bainville’s girls’ basketball team dominated the middle two quarters to beat Mon-Dak, 43-21, during a home contest on Friday, Jan. 19.

After leading by only a 9-5 margin at the end of the first quarter, the Bulldogs tallied 16 points in the second quarter for a 25-9 advantage.

Bainville increased its lead to 38-15 during the third quarter.

Leading the Bulldogs’ attack were Elsie Wilson with 14 and Hailey Berwick with 10 points. Rounding out the scoring were Miah Pippenger with seven, Brecklyn Pippenger with six and Tally Berwick with six points.

MonDak’s Evelynn Lowes and Abby Lowes scored nine points each.

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