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Lustre Girls Come Up Short In Circle, 52-46


Lustre experienced its first defeat of the girls’ basketball season at Circle by a 52-46 final on Saturday, Jan. 6.

Circle took a 10-4 lead in the first quarter and held a 23-15 half-time advantage.

The Wildcats increased their advantage to 42-31 in the third quarter, but the period ended with Lustre’s eighth-grader Kencia Brown firing in a three-quarters of a court shot at the buzzer.

The Lions struggled with fouls in the contest and lost by the six-point final margin.

Lustre’s top scorers were Alexa Reddig with 16 and K. Brown with 14 points.

Also scoring were Aubri Holzrichter with four, Lauren Fast with three, Lauryn Holzrichter with two and Grace Brown with two.

Leading Circle were Madeline Moline with 13 and Tina Hogan with 12 points.

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