City Council Discusses Wastewater Funding, MOU
During the Wolf Point City Council’s regular meeting Monday, Dec. 18, Mayor Chris Dschaak said an additional $2.5 million is being made available for phase 2 of the project thanks to applications made by the Fort Peck Tribes.
Approval for the funding passed at the Dec. 11 full Tribal Executive Board meeting in Poplar.
Greg Lukasik with Great West Engineering provided a written report about ongoing wastewater system improvements. He said contractors are mapping manholes with drones and will be done by the end of the week.
Dschaak reported that the Roosevelt County Commissioners approved a memorandum of understanding with the city to tackle lot cleanup efforts in the Wolf Point area. He said the number of possible projects is currently limited to one property on Custer Street, but added that he expects the list to grow substantially in the spring, Dschaak said support from Roosevelt County Attorney’s Office was crucial to the agreement.
“I do have to give a lot of this to Deputy County Attorney Tom Beichler,” said Dschaak.
Following a recommendation from the airport committee, the council passed a task order for snow removal equipment upgrades at a cost of $38,000. John Bach from Interstate Engineering was on hand to answer questions. He said the equipment will be delivered and made ready by February.
Council member Craig Rodenberg asked about damage that occurred recently to a sign at the east entrance to Wolf Point on Montana Highway 25. Dschaak said the sign wasn’t owned by the city but said the council would like to assist with repair efforts.
The marijuana ordinance was up for discussion and remains under review. Mayor Dschaak said that limits for online and mobile signage for dispensaries are within the city’s power. He said the council would need to amend the current ordinance to address the issue. The planning board also discussed ordinance language regarding RVs and motorhomes, with progress expected at the January meeting.
Loren Warmbrod has resigned his position with the city shop. Dschaak said seven positions in different departments are now open and advertised in this newspaper.
Two proposals presented to the council outlined possible wage increases for non-police city employees resulting from the elimination of a maintenance worker position.
“We’re trying to find a way to make our wages more competitive,” said Dschaak. “I don’t know what else to do.”
Discussions are ongoing. The next council meeting is set for Jan. 16 at 7 p.m.