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Bearcubs Lose To Mavericks


Frazer dropped both basketball contests during conference action against North Country on Friday, Dec. 15.

In the girls’ game, North Country gained a 24-8 lead in the first quarter and increased the margin to 41-10 at the half.

The Mavericks went on to a 70-20 victory.

Shakira Beston led the Bearcubs with eight points. Also scoring were Maci Fourstar-Sibley with five, Isabelle Fourstar with three, Angelina White with two and Baily Beston with two points.

Leading North Country were Paige Wasson with 15, Kendall Scheffeimear with 13 and Teagan Erickson with 13 points.

North Country’s boys posted an 83-44 victory.

North County jumped out to a 37-10 lead in the first quarter and held a 51-21 advantage.

The Mavericks led 73-39 after three quarters of play.

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