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Wolf Point Boys Come Back For Victory

Wolf Point stepped up its game in the fourth quarter to edge Browning’s JVs, 6760, in boys’ basketball play at the Native American Classic held in Browning on Saturday, Dec. 2.

The Wolves trailed by a 5047 score entering the fourth quarter. Wolf Point outscored Browning by a 20-10 margin in the final period. Cade Stafne led the attack with 11 points including three three-pointers during the fourth quarter. Sean Hamilton added a three-pointer.

“Guys got some good experience especially the younger guys,” Wolf Point coach Cole Hanks said of the weekend. “Overall, we played pretty well offensively and defensively to start the season. There’s a lot of good things to build on.”

Hanks said Stafne, Jack Kolstad, Peyton Summers and Zandon Calder played well on the offensive end.

“Lennoxx Lilley and DJ Fischer stood out defensively. It was a great experience for everyone and it was great getting our young freshmen and sophomores a lot of experience going forward into a tough week this week,” Hanks said.

Stafne finished with 25 points in the victory over Browning. Adding nine points each were Kolstad and Summers.

Also scoring for the Wolves were Chief Stafne with seven, Lilley with six, Calder with four, Hamilton with three, Richard Campbell with two and Fischer with two.

Baskets by Calder, Cade Stafne and Kolstad helped the Wolves gain a 17-8 lead during the first quarter. A three-pointer by Kolstad and a pair of free throws by Campbell put Wolf Point ahead 22-11 at the end of the period.

Three-pointers by Kolstad and Cade Stafne along with a drive by Summers increased Wolf Point’s lead to 30-18 during the second quarter. Wolf Point led by as much as a 36-24 margin in the second quarter, but Browning cut the gap to 36-30.

The Wolves will play at a tournament in Lockwood on Dec. 8-9.

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