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School Play Set For Nov. 13-14

The Wolf Point High School drama program will present its fall school play Nov. 13-14 starting at 7 p.m. at the high school auditorium.

Director Jacob Boysun explained that the showings are on a Monday and Tuesday night this year in order to avoid conflicts with other school and community activities.

He is excited about offering Sweeney Todd the Demon Barber of the Barbary Coast

to area residents.

“It’s a comedy,” Boysun said. “There’s a barber who likes to cook people and rob them.”

Admission costs are $8 for adults, $5 for students and free for children 6 years or younger.

Ryan Schumacher heads the cast as he plays Sweeney Todd.

Among the other leads are Audrey Weinberger as the cook, Cole Boysun as Sailor Tom and Elliauna Ryan as Lily Fairoak.

The 21 students involved in the production include seniors Del Eymard, Jacob Lien, Dante’ Dionne, Schumacher, Francis Goodtrack and Avalon Christian-Adams.

“Rehearsals have been going well,” Boysun said. “Lines are mainly memorized.”

He noted that the drama club has paid to have costumes rental for the production.

“It will be a good time,” Boysun said.

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