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Frazer Starts School Year With Experienced Staff, New Principal

Frazer Starts School Year With  Experienced Staff, New Principal Frazer Starts School Year With  Experienced Staff, New Principal

There are plenty of reasons to be optimistic as Frazer begins a new school year. The first day of classes was Wednesday, Aug. 16.

Superintendent Melanie Blount-Cole explained that teachers took part in a K-6 math training the previous week and that new teacher orientation was held on Aug. 10.

“We don’t have a huge turnover of staff this year,” Blount-Cole said. “We’re blessed for that.”

One new face is Reyna Monteau who will serve as the school’s principal. Her experience includes working at Hays-Lodgepole.

Nourah AbuShaban has been transferred to the positions of dean of students and librarians.

New teachers are Shane Moran for fourth grade, Nyah DeRyke for high school science and Jamsel Almariego for K-12 music.

“We’re off to a good start,” Blount-Cole said.

She is pleased that the senior class will consist of nine seniors. “It’s really good for us,” she noted.

With an experienced staff, the superintendent is looking forward to a standout year.

“It’s a blessing that we have people here for more than one or two years,” Blount-Cole said of staff members.

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