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Candidates File For TEB Positions

Candidates are beginning to file for tribal executive board positions on the Fort Peck Reservation.

Megan Gourneau, tribal operations officer/secretary accountant, reports that the last day to register as a candidate in the 2023 election is Sept. 13. The last day for new voter registration is Oct. 13, and the final day to return or accept absentee ballots is Oct. 23. Election day is Saturday, Oct. 28.

Cost to file for an office is $450.42 for chairman, $426.19 for vice chairman, $401.96 for sergeant at arms, $401.96 for TEB member, $499.10 for chief judge and $443.46 for associate judge.

Legislative positions up for election are tribal chairman, vice chairman, sergeant at arms and 12 members to the tribal executive board. Positions on the tribal court to be elected are chief judge and associate judge.

Candidates who have filed as of the end of July have included John Morales as chairman, Don LaRoque for TEB, Ennis Russell Sr. for TEB and Melvin “Terry” Rattling Thunder Sr. for TEB.

Floyd Azure is currently in his fifth term as the tribal chairman.

“I’m pretty sure that I will,” Azure said when asked if he will seek re-election.

Charles Headdress is current vice chair. Bruce Damon is sergeant at arms. Other executive board members are Carolyn Brugh, Terry Rattling Thunder Sr., Shannon Dionne-Martell, Grant Stafne, Lawrence Hamilton Jr., Stacey Summers, Bryce Kirk, Wayne Martell, Alex Smith, Marva Chapman, Patricia Iron Cloud Runs Through and Justin Gray Hawk Sr.

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