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Scholarships Available

The family of Dr. Frederick and Bernice Knierim is offering scholarships to young people who have completed at least one year ofcollegeorotherhighereducation beyond high school. Applicants must be residents and vote in one of the four counties of northeastern Montana: Daniels, Sheridan, Roosevelt and Valley counties.

The scholarships are given in memory of Dr. Fredrick and Mrs. Knierim who came to Glasgow during the building of Fort Peck Dam, Dr. Knierim was one of the physicians treating the workers building the Dam while his wife, Bernice, was a first-grade teacher in the old study hall. There were 76 first-graders at one time, trying to slip out the many exits when their teacher was busy.

Dr. Knierim became an eye, ear, nose and throat specialist and his practice included all of northeast Montana. He was chief of staff at Frances Mahon Deaconess Hospital for over 40 years. His sons still remember waiting for their dad while he was in surgery, left under the watchful eye of a nurse on duty.

Contact Pat Knierim at Box 29, Glasgow for an application to be mailed to you. All applications are due July 20 and must be accompanied by an official transcript of your college work.

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