Donna Bigleggins

Donna Bigleggins, 49, of Wolf Point died Jan. 16, 2025.
She was born March 3, 1976, to Valerie BigLeggins-Whitehawk and Duane Whitehawk. She was born and raised in Wolf Point. She would spend the summer months in Poplar with her grandmother Margaret Snell. She and her sisters eventually left for boarding school in Nopetin between the years of 1985-1990.
She met Wayne First and, from this relationship, came her first daughter, Sunset Big-Leggins. She was also attending Job Corps, trying to keep her life on track. Sadly, she doubted herself and came home to the reservation. Here, her son, Courage BigLeggins, was born. After some time, she met James Jackson Sr. From this relationship came Percy, James Jackson Jr., Justice, Justin, Jessie, Jafonda and Joshlynn.
When she made a mistake, she always hated herself. Not a day went by that she didn’t regret all the lost time. As time went on, she tried every day to build a relationship with all her children. She soon acquired many grandchildren, too many to name.
She found love again with her significant other, Alfredo Rodriguez, who she was with