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Lilley Expresses Frustrations To School Board

During the public comment portion of the Wolf Point School Board meeting last week, Imogene Lilley expressed frustration with the school district’s hiring procedures.

Lilley said she was glad that a home/school coordinator was being hired, but she claimed that it seems that some district positions are hired almost immediately, the district wants a pool of candidates for other positions and, then for coaches, there’s an interviewing process.

She was upset that her husband, Perry, applied to be a junior high basketball coach and the position was given to another individual. She said her husband takes time to work with kids whether he is an actual coach or not and that he has an impressive coaching record.

“I’m just tired of people coming up to us saying why Perry isn’t coaching,” Lilley explained.

She said that when people ask them the question why Perry isn’t coaching from now on, they will tell them to visit with school board members, the athletic director and superintendent about the hiring process.

“I’m leaving the question up to you guys now to answer,” she said. During the activities director’s report later in the meeting, trustee Michael Turcotte asked Eric Peterson to explain the process for hiring coaches. Peterson said there were two applicants for the junior high position and that the head boys’ basketball coach recommended hiring the other person.

Also during the meeting, trustees approved the hiring as Jackie Bradshaw as Northside paraprofessional, Michele White Hawk was substitute teacher, Wesley Headdress as junior high/ high school ISS, Brett Mudgett as junior high/high school home/school coordinator, Jerzey Azure as substitute teacher, Jessica Peterson for Southside afterschool culture, Elizabeth Solberg for high school cheer assistant and Ty Nelson for junior high boys’ basketball coach. During the JOM parent committee report, Lilley said funds were approved for Southside Elementary School to purchase winter clothing for students. A round dance is being scheduled for February.

Facilities director Shane Reed said scheduled completion date for the bus barn expansion is Feb. 14. Reed said plans are for the wrestling/ weight room to be done around the second week of March.

Northside Principal Georgie Gourneau reported that Chanku and Northside hosted 12 days of Christmas and HOWL activities. Students participated in building 3D Christmas trees.

Junior high Principal Amanda Prongua said the school’s spelling bee is scheduled for Jan. 30 starting at 1 p.m.

High school Principal Kim Hanks reported that students enjoyed a variety of activities for the Holiday Afternoon Fun day. A talent show took place. There have been numerous parent meetings to address attendance and grades during the past few weeks.

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