Area BPA Excel At Regional Meet

Culbertson Area students excelled during the Business Professional of America’s regional competition held in Lambert on Wednesday, Jan. 15.
Earning first-place honors for Culbertson were Felixe Becker in digital media production and Ivy Colvin in extemporaneous speech. The parliamentary procedure team of Ayden Ator, Payton Labatte, Kalia Featherston, Ivy Colvin and Felixe Becker placed second.
Stella Fox: Third in meeting and event planning concepts, eighth in administrative support.
Eli Turning Heart: Eighth in computer network technology, fifth in device configuration and troubleshooting and sixth in information technology concepts.
Henry Colvin: Second in computer programming concepts, third in personal finance.
Felixe Becker: First in digital media production, second in individual presentation and fourth in fundamental spreadsheet applications.
Ivy Colvin: First in extemporaneous speech, second in Linux.
Delyla Douglas: Fifth in Linux. Jazzmin Fugere: Third in server administration using Microsoft, fourth in Linux, sixth in SQL and eighth in network administration using Cisco.
Leandra Perkins: Third in Linux, sixth in network administration using Cisco, fourth in SQL and seventh in server administration using Microsoft.
Ayden Ator: Fifth in network administration using Cisco, fifth in SQL and sixth server administration using Microsoft.
Payton Labatte: Third in SQL.
Winning first-place awards for Bainville were Isabelle Anderson in integrated office applications and Jodi Albus for basic office systems. Teams earning first were the parliamentary procedure team consisting of Elsie Wilson, Rylan Iverson, Tally Berwick, Addison Hansen, Rowan Wilson and Azure Mahoney, the economic research team of Elsie Wilson, Tally Berwick and Addison Hansen.
Elsie Wilson: First for parliamentary procedure team, first for economic research tam and fourth for advanced interview skills.
Rylan Iverson: First for parliamentary procedure team and second for fundamental accounting.
Tally Berwick: First for parliamentary procedure team, first for economic research team and fourth for ethics and professionalism.
CoraMay Theige: Third in integrated office applications, third in administrative support team and eighth in fundamental accounting.
Isabelle Anderson: First in integrated office applications and third in administrative support team.
Addison Hansen: First for parliamentary procedure team, first for economic research team and fifth for administrative support team.
Rowan Wilson: First for parliamentary procedure team and sixth for interview skills.
Azure Mahoney: First for parliamentary procedure team, second for integrated office applications, fourth for basic office applications, fourth for advanced desktop publishing, fourth for entrepreneurship, ninth for advanced word processing.
Kallie Harmon: Third for advanced office systems, fifth for administrative support team, fifth for entrepreneurship and seventh for integrated office applications.
Adyson Telck: Second for fundamental spreadsheet, fifth for integrated office applications, fourth for extemporaneous speech.
Owen Theige: Third for administrative support team and fifth for graphic design promotion.
James Batt: Second for computer security, second for device configuration, third for fundamental word processing and fifth for server administration.
Jodi Albus: First for basic office systems, third for website design team, fourth for visual design team and fifth for administrative support team.
Sadie Romo: Third for website design team, fifth for administrative support team, fourth for visual design team and 10th for fundamental spreadsheet.
Evan Anderson: Third for administrative support team and fifth for fundamental spreadsheet applications.
Bella Stein: Third for prepared speech.
Earning first place from Froid were Roberto Orozco in advanced office systems and procedures, Jake Nordlund in entrepreneurship, Jordyn Breuer in interview skils and Addison Elvsaas in presentation. Teams taking first were the visual design team of Jordyn Breuer, Isabelle Nordwick and Keira Stentoft, and the global marketing team of Brooklynn Nordwick, Joseph Robertson and Cody Olson.
The podcast production team of Haven Martensen, Rylan Young, Eduardo Orozco and Leah Murray placed second. The podcast production team of Joelle Davidson, Allyssa Johnson, Keilee Williams and Camri Salvevold took fourth. The visual design team of Trinity Gregor and Vala Gregor placed second. The broadcast news production team featuring Macie Elvsaas, Lilly Johnson, Roberto Orozco and Milo Stangeland placed third.
Addison Elvsaas: Second, administrative support research project, first, presentation.
Milo Stangeland: Third, advanced desktop publishing, and third, broadcast news production.
Mara Salvevold: Second, advanced interview skills, Fifth, advanced office systems and procedures, 10th, fundamental accounting.
Avrie Nordlund: Seventh, advanced interview skills.
Roberto Orozco: First, advanced office systems and procedures, third, advanced word processing, fourth, fundamental accounting.
Brooklynn Nordwick: Second, advanced office systems and procedures, and sixth, fundamental accounting.
Macie Elvsaas: Fourth, advanced office systems and procedures, third, legal office procedures.
Lilly Johnson: Sixth, advanced office systems and procedures.
Cody Olson: Eighth, advanced office systems and procedures, ninth, digital marketing concepts, 10th intermediate word processing.
Joseph Robertson: Ninth, advanced office systems and procedures.
Vala Gregor: Fourth, advanced spreadsheet applications, fifth, ethics and professionalism, ninth, human resource management.
Samantha Austin: Fifth, advanced spreadsheet applications, ninth, financial math and analysis concepts, second, interview skills.
Owen Logan: Eighth, sixth, advanced spreadsheet applications, second, graphic design promotion.
Trinity Gregor: Seventh, advanced spreadsheet application, eighth, ethics and professionalism.
Isabelle Nordwick: Second, basic office systems and procedures, third, intermediate word processing, ninth, interview skills.
Jordyn Breuer: Third, basic office systems and procedures, fifth, intermediate word processing, first, interview skills.
Haven Martensen: Fifth, basic office systems and procedures, seventh, interview skills.
Leah Murray: Eighth, basic office systems and procedures, eighth, intermediate word processing, 10th, interview skills, second, legal office procedures.
Rylan Young: Ninth, basic office systems and procedures.
Keira Stentoft: Fifth, health administration concepts.
Allyssa Johnson: Third, fundamental desktop publishing, fifth, fundamental word processing.
Eli James: Fourth, fundamental desktop publishing, third, graphic design promotion.