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Tobacco Prevention News


Every year, thousands of Montanans look at the New Year as an opportunity to make positive life changes. Quitting tobacco use of any form is one of the best things you can do for your health and help is available. Quit Now Montana (1-800-7848669 or QuitNowMontana. com) is a free service available to all Montanans who are ready to quit tobacco.

“Remember, Quit Now Montana is for all types of tobacco: cigarettes, smokeless, cigars, e-cigarettes (vapes), and nicotine pouches. No matter what type of tobacco you use, Quit Now Montana can help,” stated A.J. Allen, the tobacco education specialist for Roosevelt County.

Quit Now Montana offers free nicotine replacement therapy, cessation medication with a prescription, free counseling with a certified quit coach, and a personalized quit plan. Quit Now Montana also offers free chat services with a live coach and texting options for those under the age of 25.

Specialized programs are available for pregnant women, American Indians, youth, and people with behavioral health conditions. Pregnant women who are ready to quit for their own health and the health of their baby can earn cash incentives for completed coaching sessions and access additional sessions during postpartum. The American Indian Commercial Tobacco Quit Line connects participants with American Indian coaches. My Life, My Quit™ is a confidential, free program for youth under the age of 18 and the Behavioral Health Program is available for those who have a behavioral health condition and need extra support. All Quit Now Montana programs deliver tailored services for each participant, creating the best opportunity for success. Quitting tobacco can be the most important thing you do for your health this New Year. Quit Now Montana, along with FDA-approved cessation medications available through enrollment, is a proven way to help you successfully quit tobacco use. Tobacco users who participate in Quit Now Montana are seven to 10 times more likely to quit than if they were to try alone.

Allen added, “Whether you’re ready to quit today, are just curious about quitting, or you’re supporting a loved one who uses tobacco, Quit Now Montana can help.”

To get started, visit www. or call 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1800-784-8669) to enroll. American Indians can reach Native coaches directly by calling 1-855-524-7848. Coaches are available 24 hours, 7 days per week. Set yourself up for success in the New Year by reaching out to Quit Now Montana!

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