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School Officials To Begin Contract Negotiations

Representatives of the Wolf Point Education Association and Wolf Point School Board will soon start negotiations meetings to agree on a new contract.

Patricia Toavs, co-president of the Wolf Point Education Association, presented a letter to trustees during the public comment of the Dec. 9 board meeting with the request of beginning sessions.

“Our contract ends this year,” Toavs said. She noted the request came a month earlier than normal. “Because we would like to start early.”

It was determined that board chair Roxanne Gourneau and trustee Robert Manning will represent the school district during negotiations. Superintendent Dr. David Perkins will also be at the meetings.

Also during the public comment portion, Imogene Lilley inquired about the process of hiring a home/ school coordinator for the junior high and high school. Perkins said he has received one application to this point.

Trustees approved the hiring of EAE elementary teacher Sandra Sather-Westley, special education paraprofessional Jonisa Charette and Southside afterschool program book club leader Dorian Talks Different. Approved as girls’ wrestling volunteer chaperones were Nicole “CoCo” Villaluz and Jade Failing.

Trustees approved the job description for the new district media specialist.

High school principal Kim Hanks reported that the leadership team facilitated a data drive with the entire staff during professional development day. Teacher peer observations started where teachers have the opportunity to watch another teacher. “This is a great strategy to increase teacher knowledge and feedback,” Hanks said.

Junior high principal Amanda Prongua provided past Montana Aligned To Standards testing information to trustees. The information is to be utilized as a starting point for school officials to refer to when new results arrive.

“We’re looking to see which areas need the most improvements,” Perkins said.

Facility director Shane Reed said the HVAC systems are working great at schools.

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