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Letters To Santa

Letters To Santa Letters To Santa

Dear Santa,

I am 3 years old this year. I have been nice. I would really like a dino for Christmas. I love you! Dinos RAAAWWWRRR!! I love to drink water. Dinos have lots of teeth. Grady would like some presents too. Grady loves to eat yogurt and wants a dragon toy. I love food. I love my mom! MERRY HO HO!

What color are your eyeballs? I can see good.

I’ll leave out a couple of cookies for me and dad and a couple for you. And some milk cus you LOOOVVEEE milk.

Love, Braven Grant


Dear Santa,

Thank you for all the things you gave me last year. I tried to be good girl each day. This year I want a skateboard. I need snow pants. I would wear blue gloves. I like to read Holly Water Horse thats what i want for Christmas. Love, Madison Mrs. Hoversland’s Third Grade Southside School


Dear Santa,

Thank you for the gifts last year. This year I want a spiderman bike. I need a pair of gloves. I would wear a red hat. I like to read Godzilla king of the monsters.

Love, Timothy Mrs. Hoversland’s Third Grade Southside School


Dear Santa,

Thank you for all the gifts you gave me last year. This year I want a drone this year. I need a hat. I would wear gloves. I like to read Roblox book. Love, Brayden Mrs. Hoversland’s Third Grade Southside School


Dear Santa,

Thank you for all the presents that you got me last year. This year I want a red skateboard. I need pink snow pants. I would wear purple gloves. I like to read Christmas. Love, Arielyn Mrs. Hoversland’s Third Grade Southside School


Dear Santa,

Thank you for all the gifts that you gave me. This year I want sprunk plushes. I need candy canes. I would wear cozy purple coat. I like to read Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Love, Chester Mrs. Hoversland’s Third Grade Southside School


Dear Santa,

Thank you for all the gifts you gave me last year. I tried to be good girl every day. This year I want LOL dolls. I need blue boots. I would wear pink pants and purple shirt. I like to read Beauty and the Beast. These are all the things I want. Love, Hannabelle Mrs. Hoversland’s Third Grade Southside School


Dear Santa,

I’ve tried my best to be a good each day. Thank you for the nice gifts you gave me last year. This year I want a barbie doll. I need pink teddy bear. I would wear purple shirt. I like to read Barbie book Love, Emily Mrs. Hoversland’s Third Grade Southside School


Dear Santa,

I’ve tried my best to be good each day. Thank you for the nice gifts you gave me last year. This year I want snow pants. I need a sled. I would wear Christmas books. I like to read a blue warm coat. Love, Nakoa Mrs. Hoversland’s Third Grade Southside School


Dear Santa,

I’ve tried to be good every day. I like all the gifts that you gave me last year. Thank you. This year I want a blak warm hat. I need a warm blanket. I would wear a warm coat. I like to read a Roblox book Love, Conor Mrs. Hoversland’s Third Grade Southside School

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