Letters To Santa

Dear Santa,
I will like a Justin Jefferson Jersey and a Justin Jefferson Foot-Ball card please. I would like to get a new FootBall, FootBall gloves, Blue nike socks, green nike socks and a Vikings sweater with Justin Jefferson on it. He is a wide receiver on the Minnesota Vikings. Christmas is my favorite holiday in the world. It is Better then Thanksgiving. Again my name is Taven Brock. I live in a brown house. I am 11 years old. love, Taven Mrs. Perkins' Class at Northside School
Dear Santa,
I'm Donovan, I'm 11 years old, I'm in fifth grade. This year I would like a pair of boxing gloves for boxing. I started boxing a long time ago because my mom wanted me to, so I did. I go to boxing in WOlf Point. I like punching stuff, and I learned how to defend myself.
Love, Donovan Mrs. Perkins' Class at Northside School
Dear Santa,
I want drawing stuff. I want it because I can draw more and I love drawing. It's fun! My mom does it. I draw too. I love DRAWING more than anything. I love my mom so much. I like trying to draw my friends, and have fun. I want another thing. I want makeup. I like playing with my moms make up but she gets mad at me! That's why I want make up of my own. Love, Beverly Mrs. Perkins' Class at Northside School
Dear Santa,
My name is Dreya and I'm 11 years old and I live on Idaho St. I go to school at Northside School. I have dark brown hair and brown eyes. I would like it if I got a Nitendo Switch. But if don't get one then that's fine because I don't really need one, but I would really aprishate it If I do get a Nitendo Switch. Love, Dreya Mrs. Perkins' Class at Northside School