Letters To Santa

Dear Santa, My name is Shante and I am 8 years old. This year I have been mostly good.
For Christmas this year, I would really like to have an electric toy car, nike shoes, and a stantley. I got in a fight with my niece but we said sorry to each other. Hopefully that didnt put me on the naughty list. Dont forget your belt! Love, Shante Mrs. Evenson’s Third Grade Culbertson School
Dear Santa,
My name is Wiley and I am 9 years old. This year I have been mostly good.
For Christmas this year, I would really like to have an elecric scooter, john deere toys and some bobcat stuff. What i was naughty for was talking back to my mom. do you have any plans for after Chrismas? See you soon.
Love, Wiley Vandenbos Mrs. Evenson’s Third Grade Culbertson School
Dear Santa,
My name is Blayden Schmidt and I am 8 years old. This year I have been mostly good.
For Christmas this year, I would really like to have a djnie dog but if you cant make taht I want a fake build a ble motor, a mechanic tool box and a book on how to fix cars. Please over look that one time I stayed up all night watching tv. Sorry! Please watch out for cameras and traps.
Love, Blaydenn Haraz Mrs. Evenson’s Third Grade Culbertson School
Dear Santa,
My name is Chance and I am 9 years old. This year I have been mostly good.
For Christmas this year, I would really like to have a mini jeep, a nini dozer, and Vikings football cards. Please forget about me hitting my sister. By the way how are your reindeer? How are you feeling? Stay safe Santa. Love, Chance Mrs. Evenson’s Third Grade Culbertson School
Dear Santa,
I have been trying to be nice but my friends make me stress out. But when I turn 9 I will be good for the rest of my life. I will probably stop ordering when I turn into a adult. And I was 2 things for Christmas I want Christmas decorations for Christmas Please santa if your real.
Your friend, Collin, 8 y/o Culbertson School Third Grade
Dear Santa,
I don’t know if I have been good this year. But I like you. You’re cool, nice and happy. I don’t know if you can do this but I always wanted a mini iphone and i want a necklace for my mom. Can I have the beachy babies slime you can pick I don;t mind. How are youre reindeer? I will give them some carrots. Also can I have a leach for my Pitbull Acura. Also a squishy paw please.
Your friend, Makaeya, 9 y/o Culbertson School Third Grade
Dear Santa,
I tried to be a nice person this year, but I said a bit of naughty words so I understand if Im on the naughty list. If I do get anything I would like a head set and calming radio and new year decorations please. Thank you. Now lets talk about you. Is your christmas going good? or is it going bad. I hope it is going good. How are the reindeer? How do you go to peoples houses? How are the elves?
Your friend, Kaysen, 9 y/o Culbertson School Third Grade