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Chamber Officials Hear About Project Opportunities

Great Northern Development Corp. officials Tori Matejovsky and Quincy Walter provided information during the Wolf Point Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture’s monthly meeting held on Tuesday, Dec. 3.

Matejovsky, executive director of GNDC, discussed the Reimagining Rural program. Reimagining Rural is a three-night virtual webinar series designed for small towns. The program includes speakers on important rural topics. Goals for the program include increasing financial capacity by receiving more grant funds and increase self confidence in getting projects started. Registration for the program started on Dec. 1.

Quincy Walter, Small Business Development Center director, described the Investment in Rural Communities program. The training aims to help businesses grow and designed for business owners who are ready to take the next step for their business. The program has led to the expansion of 10,000 small businesses in the country. Training for the Montana project begins in March.

Chamber board members discussed applying for the T-Mobile Hometown Grant for a maximum amount of $50,000. A possible project is replacing the wood of the east grandstands at the Stampede grounds. Board members want to see a quote for the project before agreeing to apply for the grant.

The Jordan World Circus has expressed interest in returning to Wolf Point on May 20, 2025.

Chamber executive director Jayden Diener mentioned the importance for her of talking with Stampede Committee officials in order to better understanding the planning process.

Diener described tentative plans to celebrate the Chinese New Year during the next Chamber After Hours.

Wolf Point will be the site for the District 3C boys’ basketball tournament on Feb. 19-23, 2025. Volunteers will be needed to help with the tournament.

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