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Wolf Point Police Blotter

( Publisher’s Note: The following blotter includes the activities of the Wolf Point police and fire department Nov. 25 through Dec. 1. All those cited or arrested are presumed innocent.)

Nov. 27

Nashon Reddog, 21, male, 400 block of Idaho Street, partner/family member assault, tribal court. Iva Ricker, 21, female, 400 block of Idaho Street, partner/ family member assault, tribal court.

The WPPD had the following activity: accident/traffic, one; assault, one; assault with weapon, one; assistance required/public, two; custodial interference, one; disorderly conduct/fight, three; disorderly conduct, two; disorderly conduct/vagrant, one; disturbance/arguments, three; disturbance, one; disturbance/ remove unwanted person, two; domestic abuse, two; drugs/found, one; driving under the influence/alcohol, one; fire/structure, one; loitering/panhandling, one; medical assistance, four; misdial 911, one; patrol/city limits, one; suicide attempt/adult female, one; suicide attempt/ adult male, one; suicide ideation/ adult male, two; theft, two; traffic incident, one; unsecured premises/citizen reported, one; weapon offense, three; welfare check, four; total, 45.

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