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Roosevelt County Sheriff’s Report


The Roosevelt County Sheriff’s Office responded to 76 calls from Nov. 26 to Dec. 1.

The calls included the following: Nov. 26

Deputies were dispatched for a potential domestic dispute in Culbertson’s city limits. There was an argument between a male and a female. No arrests were made. The parties decided to separate for the night.

Deputies responded to a disturbance call involving a male and female arguing. There were no injuries. The male left the property.

Deputies assisted the Fort Peck Tribes Department of Law and Justice in the Wolf Point city limits. The tribal officer was advised that a male was carrying an ax. When the deputy arrived, the tribal officer was wrestling with the male on the ground. The male dropped the ax, but when he was being handcuffed, he pulled away and wrestled. Jordan Runkel, 32, was arrested by FPTDLJ.

Deputies assisted FPTDLJ at the Poplar airport addition with a domestic violence call between an adult male and female. Michael Clark, 36, was arrested and handcuffed by FPTDLJ. He was taken to tribal jail.

Nov. 27

Deputies assisted the Wolf Point Police Department with a large fight in front of the liquor store. Law enforcement broke up the fight. There were no arrests.

Deputies assisted WPPD and FPTDLJ on a call regarding a male reported being near Cenex West with a hatchet. Another individual reported that the man was trying to injure her brother. Law enforcement found the man near Cenex. Morgan Martell, 26, was arrested on authority of a tribal warrant.

Nov. 28

Deputies assisted ambulance services on a call regarding a possible overdose involving an adult female.

Deputies responded to Wolf Point’s tribal housing for a report of two adult females arguing. The WPPD also responded to the call. There were no arrests.

Nov. 29

Deputies responded to Brockton for a report of an adult male making threats with a machete. An argument took place regarding a stolen bicycle. The incident remains under investigation.

Nov. 30

Deputies assisted FPTDLJ in Poplar’s tribal housing with a report of a male breaking through a door and being intoxicated. Charles Youpee Jr. was transported to tribal jail.

Dec. 1

Deputies responded to a fire near the bridge on Montana Highway 25. The Wolf Point Fire Department responded to the call. FPTDLJ, MDU and ambulance services also were on the scene.

Deputies assisted FPTDLJ with a report of an adult man stealing a box of Slim Jim’s from Town Pump. The individual couldn’t be located.

Deputies made a traffic stop by tribal housing on West Eureka. An adult female was charged with aggravated driving under the influence, driving without insurance and not having a driver’s license. She was taken to tribal jail.

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