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Montana 4-H New Year Possibilities:
The Montana 4-H Year starts Oct. 1 and runs through Sept, 30 every year. Who can join? Any youth between ages 8-18 can be fully active members and Roosevelt County also has Cloverbuds which are children ages 5-8. In addition, we welcome adult volunteers who help organize club meetings and events.
Montana 4-H is run as the youth development program of Montana State University Extension. It was created under the passage of the Smith-Lever Act of 1914. This began the Cooperative Extension System at USDA and therefore the National 4-H program. It runs as a partnership between Cooperative Extension (under USDA) and National Institute of Food and Agriculture. There are more than 100 land-grant universities systems nationwide and 3,000 county offices.
4-H is America’s largest youth development program with nearly six million people. Montana 4-H has over 14,000 members in all 56 counties and seven reservations.
Positive youth development is what we strive for in a safe and inclusive environment. Our purpose is to educate youth and adults about life-skill development to live in an ever- changing world. We do this through belonging in a positive environment, master through educational learning, independence through opportunities, and generosity through service. These principles are built upon in their 4-H year through club work, community service, communication, state-wide connections, networking and project work.
Many times we see the efforts of the 4-H program at the county fair or achievement day, but life skills are happening year round. Members learn parliamentary procedure, leadership, social interaction, and cooperation that can be used throughout their lives. They also learn record-keeping skills that help with understanding, writing and comprehending management skills. According to the statewide needs assessment conducted in 2022 through MSU Extension, career readiness and life-skill development were important issues that Montana residents deemed important.
The 4-H program helps to de-