Carlisle Addresses Veterans Day Assembly

The Culbertson School gym was packed with students and attendees from the community for a Veterans Day assembly on Monday, Nov. 11.
The main speaker for the event was Col. Heather J. Carlisle (Army, retired), a Culbertson High School grad with nearly 30 years of distinguished service, finishing up her career as the director for Support Operations for Army Sustainment Command at Rock Island Arsenal in Illinois.
Carlisle graduated from CHS to attend Gonzaga University in Spokane, Wash., on an ROTC scholarship. She would go to serve in Hawaii, Virginia, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Alaska and North Carolina as well as Korea and the Pentagon. Her career highlights include combat tours in Iraq with the 101st Airborne and Afghanistan with the 425 Infantry Brigade Combat Team.
Carlisle recognized all branches of service and singled out family members in the community. “Today we say thank you to them all,” Carlisle said.
Jo Nelson also addressed the audience and presented Pete Olson with a star quilt to mark his contribution to American Legion Post 81’s years long effort to open up access to Legion Park in Culbertson.
“It has been many years since we were able to use the park,” Nelson said. She said Olson was “the backbone of the effort.”
Nelson told the Community News she felt that Olson deserved accolades. “I want him to be recognized for his determination as a Legion member in getting the Legion Park back to our community. It was a long legal battle.”
Student council president Dawson Bergum provided the welcome and assisted with the program. Catherine Donaldson read a patriotic poem. Musical numbers were performed by the junior high and high school band and elementary choir students.