tities that are working in ….
tities that are working in the county. The entity most relied upon is the sheriff’s department, but also includes federal and tribal law enforcement. He must be able to quickly decide on jurisdictional issues and be able to seek help from any law enforcement agency at a moment’s notice. The county attorney must be able to receive investigations from many sources, and prosecute in a fair and just manner. His relationship with victims must be sensitive and informative.
5. Do you feel the county attorney’s office understands the needs of the entire county?
Patch: I believe my background has made me keenly aware of the needs and aspirations of the several communities within the county. Being raised in Poplar, having lived in Wolf Point, coming out of a family that has been in this area since 1889 made me quite aware of the struggles and hopes of the entire county family.
Bleicher: The county attorney’s office attempts to address the needs of the entire county, however, each community may warrant a unique approach.
6. Can you provide examples illustrating the strong judgment you possess and what is needed to serve the county’s residents?
Bleicher: For every criminal case that is ultimately prosecuted in our office, I look at each case separately and attempt to tailor a fair and just outcome for the prosecution of the case. Every case possesses different details that should be taken into consideration; criminal cases should not be treated as if they are all the same. What may work for one case, may not work for another case, and it is the human element of using sound discretion that ensures that justice is properly served.
Patch: I believe my record speaks for itself. During my career, I became active in State and Federal Court. I was admitted to practice before the U.S. Supreme Court. I was one of the first lawyers to be admitted to the Assiniboine and Sioux Tribal Court upon passing the first Tribal Bar exam. I served on the first Tribal Appellate Court. All of these things demand diligence and sound judgment.
7. What will your philosophy be as a county attorney?
Patch: To be the best possible county attorney that my abilities can achieve. To meet each challenge in a profession and fair way. To maintain consistent and just prosecution for crimes. To make decisions based on the law and the constitution.
Bleicher: I will continue in my current philosophy of attempting to zealously prosecute, when warranted, to ensure a fair and just consequence for every criminal act in our county as well as assure that all civil issues are addressed.
8. What role do you see the position sought play in improving the quality of life in the area? What do you see as the area’s greatest strengths and challenges?
Bleicher: I believe that effective prosecution of criminal cases in the County Attorney Office leads to overall improvement of the community. Law enforcement needs an office that they can have confidence in for prosecuting their cases, so that they feel their enforcement actions are followed through on. Having law enforcement feel supported and having effective prosecution of criminal cases can go a long way towards improving the quality of life for all residents in our county.
Patch: As county attorney, I will express my concern to improve the safety and quality of life for all citizens and point out changes necessary to accomplish those goals.