Run To Raise Funds For Food Bank Network
Since 2011, the Montana Farm Bureau Young Farmer and Rancher Hoofin’ it for Hunger Run has raised $87,000 for the Montana Food Bank Network. This year the run will take place on Sept. 21, beginning and ending at Depot Park in Dillon.
The event features a 10K, starting at 11 a.m. and a 5K starting at 11:30 a.m. through beautiful southwestern Montana ranch country. If you can’t get to Dillon, consider registering as a virtual runner which means you’ll still get the cool Hoofin’ it for Hunger t-shirt while supporting the event and raising money for the Montana Food Bank Network.
Registration fees are $40 (10K) and $30 (5K) and virtual runners pay $30. The awards ceremony will take place at Depot Park following the conclusion of the races.
Be sure to check out the Hoofin’ it for Hunger page on Facebook.
Questions? Contact Sue Ann Streufert, 406-587-3153,