New FPCC President Smith Welcomed
Incoming Fort Peck Community College President Craig Smith was welcomed at an inauguration ceremony July 9 at the Greet the Dawn Auditorium in Poplar.
The FPCC board of directors hosted the event, which was emceed by Martel Reum.
Smith was introduced by Reum, Adrianne Ricker, Fort Peck Tribal Court Chief Judge Stacie FourStar and TEB member Roxanne Gourneau. The speakers stressed their pride in the history of the college and spoke to Smith’s local roots, which have been lifelong.
Smith told the assembled that he has spent his entire professional life within a few blocks of the FPCC campus, discussing his background at Poplar and Wolf Point high schools and his many years with the college.
Smith began his duties on June 1. He has served in several employment positions with FPCC during the past 24 years, most recently as vice president for institutional development since 2010.
A communal meal was offered following public remarks.