Wolf Point Student Selected For John Hopkins’ Program
Wolf Point High School student Jaycen Williams will benefit from an outstanding education experience this summer and she is looking forward to the opportunity.
Williams, who is entering her senior year, was selected for John Hopkins University’s leadership project held July 9-19 in Baltimore, Md.
She explains a student needs to get nominated in order to even have a chance to be selected for the prestigious program. She doesn’t know which of her teachers nominated her, but she is thankful for the support.
“I was really amazed,” Williams said of her reaction that she was picked. “I didn’t think I would be chosen for something like this.”
She is the daughter of Darla Williams and Thomas Bauer Jr.
Students have a choice of which field to study during the program. Williams decided on cyber security.
“I’ve always liked working with computers. I like robotics and things,” she said. “I really like coding.”
Her experience will include class instruction, touring many museums and visiting the Federal Bureau of Investigation building in Baltimore.
In order to attend the leadership conference, Williams needed to raise $4,000 for tuition plus funds for flights and hotels.
“I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to go,” she said.
With the community’s support, she was able to raise the needed funds. Food sales and a Valentines Day drawing were very well received. “All the teachers bought from me during the raffle,” she said. “That was nice.” She expressed her appreciation to everyone for their support. The Wolf Point Community Organization also donated $500 for the trip.
“I’m looking forward to traveling and seeing what it’s like to go to a big university,” Williams said about John Hopkins.
During her high school days, she has been involved in speech and drama, band and tennis.
After graduating from Wolf Point High School, she plans to attend Montana State University in Bozeman. She expects to major in computer science and minor in business.