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Democrat Seeks U.S. House Position

Democrat Seeks U.S. House Position Democrat Seeks U.S. House Position

Steve Held, a Democrat running for the U.S. House 2 Seat in Montana, toured eastern Montana cities including Wolf Point last week.

Held, who is a rancher and businessman from Broadus, claims that of all the 13 candidates for the position, he is the only one who is a real representative from eastern Montana.

“I’m so sick and tired of the carpetbaggers telling us what to do and getting money from it,” Held said.

If elected, Held said a priority for him is having a farm bill that actually works for family farmers and ranchers instead of big agri-business corporations.

“This should be a top priority for every member of Congress because our farmers and ranchers feed the world and should power it. Instead, we’ve gotten chaos while I see more and more of my friends and neighbors in agriculture struggle to make ends meet or go belly up,” Held said.

Held also seeks to pass a ban on congressional insider stock trading. “The only way to end the chaos and get our representatives to work for people, seniors, the middle class, and our future again is to clean up the corruption and elect people who are committed to representing the good people in eastern Montana,” the Democrat said.

As far as the abortion issue, Held believes the decision of when to start a family and have a child is between a woman, her family and her doctor.

Held, 63, said he is seeking the office to represent the values and interests of eastern Montana.

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