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Brockton Features Turnout Of Eight Athletes For Track Season

Brockton Features Turnout Of Eight Athletes For Track Season Brockton Features Turnout Of Eight Athletes For Track Season

Brockton’s track program consists of eight athletes this season as the Warriors work to fare well in the District 2C ranks.

Girls out for track are sophomore Taylor Cummins, freshman Reese DeCoteau and freshman Aiyanna Eder.

Participants in the boys’ division are junior Kameron Rattling Thunder, freshman Colter Nygard, freshman Jarid Fast Horse and sophomore Ronnie Black Dog.

“Most of them are rookies for high school anyway,” Coach Evan Cummins said.

Eder, DeCoteau and Fast Horse are expected to do well in sprints for the Warriors.

Distance runners include Rattling Thunder, Cummins and Black Dog.

Nygard will compete in throwing events.

Coach Cummins is pleased with the team’s turnout.

“It’s a big step up from last year. We had only two finish,” he said. “The ones out have been going to the weight room and working to improve their athleticism.”

The Warriors are schedule to open their season in Glasgow on Friday, March 29.

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