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Tribes Sponsor Mental Health Summit

Fort Peck tribal members are invited to attend a day of discussion around the topic of mental health, why it’s important, how to reduce stigma and how to help loved ones in need, according to press release from Care Solace.

The event is planned for Thursday, March 28. Speakers, a hosted lunch, a panel discussion and a question and answer period are all planned beginning at 10 a.m. and running until 2 p.m.

The summit will be held at 501 Medicine Bear Road in Poplar.

Care Solace is a social purpose organization with a mission to ensure every person in need is quickly connected to a mental health, substance use, or social service provider matched to their needs.

RSVP at fort-peck-tribes-summit or by calling Phoebe Blount at 406-650-1946.

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