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Harmon Likes Music Offerings At School

Harmon Likes Music Offerings At School Harmon Likes Music Offerings At School

For Wolf Point High School senior Walker Harmon, music plays a key role in his happiness at the school.

Harmon has been involved in both the school’s pep band and swing choir throughout his high school career.

He says he has played the baritone sax for six years and has been dealing with the challenge of playing the tenor sax for less than a year.

“The reason I picked up the tenor sax was because I have a musical background,” he explained. “There’s way more keys on the tenor.”

He especially liked the choir’s recent concert that featured four selections.

“I loved the songs that we did,” Harmon said. One of the numbers was performed by the men’s choir. “I get to sing louder in the men’s choir because in the swing choir, we outnumber the girls three to one.”

He said his favorite class is swing choir and his favorite teacher is Russell Johnson.

Harmon, who has always attended school in Wolf Point, found out the enjoyment of being a part of the speech and drama program this school year. The decision to join the team, however, wasn’t necessary his decision.

He explained that he lost a bet with the program’s coach that he wouldn’t win a laptop during last year’s post prom. Harmon won the laptop, but his penalty was losing the bet was trying speech and drama.

Harmon participated in dramatic theater with Jacob Lien and Ryver Summers and classic theatre with Summers.

He is undecided regarding the path he will take after high school.

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