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Wolf Point Police Blotter

( Publisher’s Note: The following blotter includes the activities of the Wolf Point police and fire department March 4-10. All those cited or arrested are presumed innocent.)

March 4

Arthur Devereaux, 30, male, Sixth Avenue South and Idaho Street, starting, turning and stopping without regard to safety, tribal court.

March 5

Marcus Russell, 37, male, 600 block of Fourth Avenue North, driving without a license, no insurance and warrant, tribal court.

Dimitri Bruce, 30, male, Fifth Avenue South and Granville Street, criminal mischief, theft, fleeing from law enforcement and protection of law enforcement officers, tribal court.

March 6

Anthony Nibbs, 24, male, 200 Sixth Avenue South, public intoxication and criminal trespass to property, tribal court.

Dessie Bruce, 41, female, 400 block of Fallon Street, disorderly conduct, tribal court.

March 7

Laura Rae Stichman, 43, female, Fourth Avenue South and Main Street, stop sign violation, municipal court.

Gerald Moran, 66, male, 100 block of Anaconda Street, mandatory vehicle license/ registration, tribal court.

Susan Bearcub, 36, female, 100 block of First Avenue South, warrant, tribal court.

Susan Bearcub, 36, female, 100 block of Third Avenue South, open container, tribal court.

Robert Azure Jr., 34, male, 200 block of Fourth Avenue South, assault, tribal court.

William Bigtalk, 36, male, 200 block of Fourth Avenue South, assault, tribal court.

Ryan Whitehorse Sr., 41, male, 200 block of Anaconda Street, public intoxication, tribal court.

In addition to the citations above, the WPPD had the following activity: aggravated assault, one; alarm/business, one; animal cruelty/neglect, one; animal/other, one; animal/ stray, two; assistance required/law enforcement, two; assistance required/ public, two; civil standby, two; civil complaint, one; disorderly conduct/fight, one; disturbance/remove unwanted person, five; domestic abuse, one; domestic/family disturbance, one; drugs/ found, one; harassment, one; medical assistance, two; other, one; patrol/ city limits, one; public intoxication/ open container, one; public nuisance, one; suspicious vehicle, one; theft, one; theft/ shoplifting, one; traffic incident, seven; traffic property/ other motor vehicle, one; trespassing, one; unsecured premises/citizen reported, one; vandalism/motor vehicle, one; welfare check, three; total, 46.

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