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Bainville Council Talks Sidewalk Repairs

Bainville Council Talks Sidewalk Repairs Bainville Council Talks Sidewalk Repairs

The regular meeting of the Bainville Town Council was called to order at 7 p.m. Feb. 12, at the Bainville town hall. Guests included Diane Panasuk, Eric Newton and Kari Glas.

Council member Will Rathbun moved to approve regular meeting minutes for Jan. 8 and the motion passed unanimously.

During public comment, Diane Panasuk requested to have the water shut off at 311 Clinton Street. She also asked why she is being charged the commercial rate for garbage for the shop by the old bank. Mayor Toby Romo stated that it is not a residential house, therefore it is a commercial building. Romo also stated how the town does not charge her for garbage for her storage units, making it a fair deal for both her and the town.

Panasuk also said the nuisance letter that was sent to the assistant county attorney for the residence at 311 Clinton Street had the wrong address on it. She said she talked to the ACA and said that she told him she would try to have it resolved by end of March.

A public hearing was held for HB-355 city and town allocation of funding amounts. These funds would be used to replace the sidewalk in front of the town park and senior center. The project cost is approximately $55,000 and the town receives $39,940 from HB 355. The town would be required to pay the balance of approximately $15,000.

Water loss was reported as 65,049 gallons at 10 percent. The town’s goal is 10 percent or less. The treasurers report was approved, including the cash balance report, bank reconciliation report, YTD expense vs budget, YTD revenue vs budget, bank statements for January and YTD receipts from utility billing.

Delinquent accounts were reviewed and approved, as were claims and JVs in the amount of $24,160.40. Payroll slips were approved in the amount of $10,014.48 The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, March 11, at 7 p.m.

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