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Bearcubs Fall Short Against Circle Girls


Frazer’s girls’ basketball team came close to qualifying for the divisional tournament but the Bearcubs fell short to Circle, 45-40, at the District 3C tournament in Glasgow on Friday, Feb. 16.

Circle led by a 27-24 halftime margin and increased the gap to 37-33 in the third quarter.

Circle outscored the Bearcubs by an 8-7 margin in the fourth period.

Top scorers for the Bearcubs were Baily Beston with 17 and Shakira Beston with 11 points.

Also scoring were Maci Fourstar-Sibley with five, Angeline White with four and Kassidy Hentges with three points.

Laura Guldborg led the Wildcats with 12 points.

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