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Local Air Travel Increases in 2023

Passenger air travel at the Lyman M. Clayton Airport in Wolf Point was more busy in 2023 compared to 2022, according to information from the Montana Department of Transportation.

Wolf Point experienced 6,236 total air passengers during 2023. The number includes 3,166 getting on and 3,070 getting off flights.

The 6,236 figure compares to 5,920 passengers for 2022.

The most busy month for air travelers in Wolf Point during 2023 was August when 646 passengers hit the friendly skies. July was second with 592 passengers followed by December with 585 and November with 583 passengers.

For 2023, Wolf Point had a total of 3,166 passengers using Cape Air. Totals of other Montana Essential Air Service airports for 2023 were 8,047 for Sidney, 2,964 for Havre, 2,884 for Glasgow and 2,193 for Glendive.

During the month of December, Wolf Point had 289 Cape Air passengers compared to 747 for Sidney, 245 for Glasgow, 245 for Havre and 203 for Glendive. Cape Air experienced an increase in ridership of 1.3 percent in 2023 compared to 2022.

Ridership throughout Montana, as a while, was also up. Total passengers in 2023 was 5,739,134 compared to 5,227,200 in 2022.

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