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Lustre Boys Stop Wildcats, 70-22


Lustre’s boys’ basketball team dominated play in the second and third quarters to down Circle, 70-22, at home on Saturday, Feb. 3.

The Lions held only an 1810 lead in the first quarter, but Lustre struck for 22 points in the second quarter for a 40-18 advantage.

Lustre increased the gap to 59-22 in the third quarter.

Top scorers for the Lions were Clay Reddig with 17, Johnslee Pierre with 14 and Cayden Klatt with 11 points.

Also scoring were Byron Ewing with seven Cam Reddig with six, Diek Olfert with five, Terran Joseph with four and Eyosias Ayalew with one point.

The Lions host Scobey on Saturday, Feb. 10.

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