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Dionne Enjoys Being Part Of Drama Program

Dionne Enjoys Being Part Of Drama Program Dionne Enjoys Being Part Of Drama Program

Wolf Point High School senior Dante’ Dionne is one of the individuals that makes the school’s drama department successful. This was Dionne’s second year on the school’s speech and drama team. After competing in mime last year, he participated in dramatic oral interpretation this season.

“I enjoyed performing for DOI, but coming up for a performance for mime was probably more fun,” Dionne said.

He qualified for the state meet in mime as a junior.

This school year included Dionne taking part in the school play, Sweeney Todd, The Demon Barber of Barbary Coast.

“Acting is fun,” Dionne said. “It’s a unique way to express yourself.”

The senior is looking forward to playing a “side role” in this spring’s school play.

He says his favorite class is drama class.

Favorite teachers are Jacob Boysun and Russell Johnson.

“I think Mr. Boysun is a really good coach. He is a friend,” Dionne said. “Mr. Johnson is a real good band instructor and is also a funny guy.”

Dionne is pleased that he has attended school in Wolf Point since the second grade. He’s grateful for all of the friends that he has made throughout the years.

He is hopeful for a career in acting either in theatre, movies or voice acting.

He plans to take a year off from education while his family moves to Casper, Wyo., and then decide which college to attend.

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