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Tobacco Prevention News

Montana is winning the race to the bottom when it comes to youth e-cigarette use. More than a quarter (26%) of Montana high school students currently use e-cigarettes, leaving Montana tied with Louisiana for the second highest prevalence of current e-cigarette use among high school students, according to the most recent national data.

This disturbing statistic should trigger alarm bells for those concerned about our kids’ health.

Nicotine, in any form, is dangerous for kids. The chemical harms development by damaging the parts of the brain that control attention, learning, mood, and impulses. It primes the brain for addiction to other drugs in the future.

The aerosol released by e-cigarettes isn’t safe, either. It can contain harmful and potentially harmful chemicals, ultrafine particles that can be inhaled deep into the lungs, flavorings, volatile organic compounds, and heavy metals.

What’s more, these products continue to be marketed to our kids using alluring flavors, like cotton candy and unicorn puke, and packaging that resembles toys and cartoons.

Get more information about the harms of youth e-cigarette use and how to help our kids at tobaccofree.

If your child is addicted to e-cigarettes, help them quit by calling My life My Quit, the teen tobacco/vaping quit line at 1-855-891-9989, texting “Start My Quit” to 36072, or visiting

If they don’t use e-cigarettes, make sure they understand the risks so they make the decision to never start.

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