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Lustre News


It was -9 degrees outside at 9 p.m. Friday, but the weather advisory was for -30 degree windchill. But, we are glad to be out of the -31 degrees to -38 degrees we have seen earlier in the week. The entire week was like a deep freezer. It may have been a challenge to get to school, but Lustre Grade School and Lustre Christian High School were able to stay open safely. Monday gave -25 degrees and a 17 mph wind.

Folks went out to see the basketball teams play against Nashua. Both LCHS teams won handily. Starting for the boys were seniors Terran Joseph and Cayden Klatt, juniors Clay Reddig and Byron Ewing and sophomore Johnslee Pierre. The band included a jazzy version of Tidings of Comfort and Joy among their pep band repertoire, casting a backward glance at Christmas.

We extend our condolences to LCHS board member Kelly and Michelle Toavs on the death of her mother, Mrs. Grudenski of Minnesota, last week and the death of his father, Willard Toavs of Billings, formerly of north Wolf Point. Willard was a graduate of LCHS in the class of 1955, was active in band, chorus, basketball (manager) and photographer of the Student Echoes. Our condolences also go to his second wife Irene, Kelly, Brent and Janell and their families. Visitation at Clayton Stevenson Memorial Chapel is Thursday, Jan. 25. Burial is at the Bethel Wolf Point Cemetery at 10 a.m. Friday, Jan. 26, followed by a memorial service at the Gospel Fellowship Church in Wolf Point at 11 a.m.

North Country came to Lustre Tuesday to make up the games canceled last Friday, splitting the evening with LCHS boys winning their game, and the girls losing theirs. Temps last weekend were -28F (-46 windchill) Fri, and -38 F (-64 windchill) Saturday at Lustre.

Sunday services in all the churches were canceled due to the severe cold temperatures of -32. But the youth were committed (or tough). They made it to Awana to say their verses Wednesday and stay in the competition as they work on their cars for the races.

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