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Livestock Seminar Scheduled In Wolf Point

There will be a livestock seminar in Wolf Point at the Sherman Inn on Wednesday, Jan. 31, starting at 10 a.m.

The featured topics will be Dr. Hannah Speer from the Northern Ag Research Center discussing Feeding Fertility: Understanding the Relationship between Nutrition and Reproduction.

She will touch on body condition scoring cattle, and how it relates to postpartum interval, pregnancy rates, and important time points to evaluate cattle throughout the year.

Speer will also talk about some nutritional factors that affect reproduction and feeding strategies to help producers set their herd up for reproductive success.

The second topic will be about the Livestock Risk Protection or LRP program from the MSU Extension Roosevelt County office. LRP is an insurance policy that is designed to insure against declining market prices.

In recent years, the program has evolved to be more rancher-friendly. There are different coverage levels and different classes of species to protect against a decline in livestock prices.

Learn about the program, eligibility, coverage, and restrictions that is making this program an opportunity to protect against risk factors for ranchers.

Lunch will be included. If you have any questions about the program, contact the MSU Extension Roosevelt County office at 406787-5312.

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