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Froid Council Discusses Manholes, Daycare

The Froid Town Council held its regular meeting Monday, Jan. 8. Mayor Sheri Crain called the meeting to order and welcomed guests.

Public Works director Alan Engelke reported there hasn’t been much snow removal so far. He has been working on replacing several curb stops as part of the American Rescue Plan Act project. He said he will continue to do that as long as the weather cooperates, but he said work is at a stand still until two manholes are replaced.

The draws for expenses have been submitted and the town is waiting for the grant money to be direct deposited. Engelke added he will get the circulating pump going now for the water tower.

It was brought to the attention of the council that some residents have been concerned about a lack of daycare in Froid. Crain stated that it isn’t feasible to use the community center as a place for daycare as it needs to be available for use for things such as weddings, birthdays and funerals. Froid School Superintendent Steve Mayhue was in attendance and said he could offer one of the school’s open house rentals as an option for daycare. The school will also be starting preschool next year. Discussions were held and it was decided the daycare isn’t a town or school issue and needs to start with an individual or individuals stepping up and wanting to provide the service.

Crain read a proclamation declaring a date for an Arbor Day celebration. The town will be apply for a $350 Department of Natural Recourses and Conservation tree grant and is planning a public celebration on May 15, which will include the planting of a tree or trees in the town park area. The council reviewed the delinquent accounts and approved minutes from the Dec. 20 meeting The next regular meeting is set for Feb. 12, at 6:30 p.m.

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